
A few years ago, two young patients came to visit me for osteopathic medical care.  These two children, ages 7 and 10 at the time, spent 15 minutes describing to me in intricate detail the “superhero abilities” that they would like to acquire. It was an amazing conversation.  I was so impressed with the level of detail - the physics behind their supersonic suits, the array of colors on their garments, the composition and purpose of their accessories, the ways they both felt they could save the world.

A true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, 

but by the size of his heart.

– Zeus

I so enjoyed listening, but eventually, they asked the dreaded question:  “Dr. Deb, what superhero ability do you want to have?” 

I say dreaded because when you are 7 and 10, these answers are clear and uncomplicated.  If someone asks you “What is your favorite color? - without hesitation, you answer blue!  But as we get older and tend to evaluate our answers through a filter of emotions, expectations and judgments, it becomes more complicated.  Well, I like blue, but purple is also nice - and sometimes, I really like green.

I thought for a few moments, and tried to allow myself the freedom to imagine as I did when I was a young child.  After a minute or two, I somewhat hesitantly shared my answer with them.  

“If I could be a superhero and have a special ability,” I told them, “I would like to reflect to everyone I meet their inherent value and beauty.”  

Surprisingly, they shook their heads as if to let me know that this was an acceptable answer - but before I could relax for too long, they quickly shifted gears and asked  “So what will you wear?”

I didn’t have an answer at the time, so they gave me several creative suggestions, and I told them that I would have to get back to them on the costume.  

A few years later, when I was visiting the Ann Frank memorial in Boise with my friend Amy and sharing this story, she provided the answer:    “You would wear a mirror.”

This story is dedicated to Spirit “Superdog” Roman.  I am so grateful his beautiful heart and always unconditional love.  (2003-2020)


A true Superhero - Spirit flew through the foothills without wings - simply pure joy.
